Makeup Instructions for Dress Rehearsals and Performances
Because dancers perform under bright stage lighting, their faces can often appear washed-out without makeup to highlight their eyes, cheeks, and lips. Here’s what you’ll need at minimum:
1. Foundation (skin color): Sponge on heavier than for daily wear, and blend at the jawline.
2. Blush (pink): Brush onto cheek bones.
3. Eyeliner (brown if blond-haired, black if brown/black-haired: Line upper lid and half of lower lid.
4. Eyeshadow (muted colors): Light color applied to full upper lids, darker to lower half of upper lids.
5. Mascara (black): Apply to upper lashes. Fake eyelashes optional.
6. Lipstick (red): Dancers will be allowed to remove their masks while on stage. You may send lipstick along, but please label it with dancer’s name.
Below is a video tutorial that is especially helpful if you are applying makeup to a young dancer’s face.